We will learn how to install the paper icons theme on Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla. We will also shed light on how to change and manage these themes.
- Paper icons themes require GTK 3 environment, but if you have the latest Ubuntu on your system, then it will be installed by default.
- You need a program to apply the theme to the icons.
Installing the paper icons theme
Before installing new icon themes, let’s have a look at the default icons of Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla.
Now, to install the paper icons theme, you need to add its repository from PPA. The full form of PPA is “Personal Package Archive”, and if you don’t find a package from an official source, then you can use PPA. To add repository, open terminal and type the following command:
After installation, update the repositories using the following command:
To download the paper icon theme, use the command given below:
You will not see any change in icons. To change the icons set, you need a program called “Gnome Tweak Tool”.
Downloading Gnome Tweak Tool
To download the gnome tweak tool, you need to have the universe repository installed in your system, otherwise, the terminal will give you an error.
To add the “universe” repository, type the following command in the terminal:
Press “Enter” to install.
It is always a good thing to update repositories using the following command:
To download and install the gnome tweak tool, use the command given below:
Changing the theme of icons
Open the “Gnome Tweak Tool” app, and in the “Appearance” tab, click on the “Icons” drop-down menu, then you can see the paper option there.
Select the paper option, and all icons of your system will turn into a flat paper-like icon.
The paper theme will be applied to all icons. See the following image.