Museeks 0.7.1 most recent release, is an open source, lightweight, cross-platform music player for Linux, Windows as well as Mac OSX platforms. Further more, the music player uses Node.js for back-end, electron (used to be atom-shell) for embedded browser, and React.js as front-end framework and Flux with Redux as data-flow pattern.
Museeks Key Features
- Lightweight music player
- Polished
- Playlists
- Queue management
- Shuffle, loop
- Dark theme
- Playback speed control
- Sleep mode blocker
- Supported formats includes mp3, mp4, m4a/aac, wav, ogg , as well as 3gpp
Museeks 0.7.x Changelog
- Cover support
- If the track has an ID3 cover, it will be used
- If there is a [album|albumart|cover|folder].[jpg|png|bmp|gif]
in the track folder, the first matching file will be used
- If the above solution fails, a “no-cover” fallback image is used
- An option to run Museeks with the OS’s native frame, as well as track list context menu to filter by album/artist
- Files with uppercase extensions when scanning the library (e.g something.
- Notifications after some actions
- A link to library in empty playlist
- A track play counter (not shown yet in the UI though)
- A troubleshooting section in Settings/About
- Improved queue drag&drop management
- More natural volume change
- Drop NeDB for LinvoDB3 with LevelJS: you will need to refresh your library
- Update to Electron 1.4.0
- Sleep-blocker toggler, as well as Shuffle rollback
- Library refresh with some file without metadata and some .wav
- Library not scanning files without a lowercase extension (e.g .WAV)
- Playback rate and volume not setting correctly on startup
- Play/pause global shortcut, as well as Default volume value
- Error notification appearing on start-up when the auto-update checker fails
How to install Museeks 0.7.1 on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04
32bit OS
cd ~/Downloads wget sudo unzip ~/Downloads/museeks-linux-*.zip -d /opt sudo mv /opt/Museeks-linux* /opt/museeks
64bit OS
cd ~/Downloads wget sudo unzip ~/Downloads/museeks-linux-*.zip -d /opt sudo mv /opt/Museeks-linux* /opt/museeks
- Now create a lauch icon by creating the file “museeks.desktop” with following command
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/museeks.desktop
Copy and paste the following entries into the created museeks.desktop file and save
[Desktop Entry] Name=Museeks Exec=/opt/museeks/museeks Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/opt/museeks/resources/app/src/images/logos/museeks.png Categories=AudioVideo;Player;Audio;
How to remove Museeks from Ubuntu
sudo rm -rf /opt/museeks rm ~/.local/share/applications/museeks.desktop