Copying Files from Local to Remote
Most of the times you will be copying files from local to remote servers. Here is a playbook example of performing such a task.
– hosts: webservers
– name: Copy file to a remote server
src: ~/test.txt
dest: /tmp
In the above example, we are targeting all the webservers group in our Ansible inventory. The source is the test.txt residing in the home directory of our local machine and the destination is the /tmp folder on the remote machine.
PLAY [webservers]
TASK [Gathering Facts]
ok: []
TASK [Ansible copy file to remote server]
changed: []
***************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
If we run the playbook, we should see the results like above.
The default permissions are set to 0644 on the remote machine:
0 -rw-rw-r– 1 a_user a_user 0 Apr 20 08:49 test.txt
You can change that by adding the mode parameter:
– hosts: webservers
– name: Copy file to a remote server
src: ~/test.txt
dest: /tmp
mode: 0744
So your permissions on the remote will look like this:
0 -rwxr–r– 1 a_user a_user 0 Apr 20 08:54 test.txt
Copying Directories from Local to Remote
For copying directories, you have two options. If you put a / after the directory name, then it will copy anything inside that directory to the destination folder. If you don’t put the /, then it will first create the directory in the destination and then copy everything inside.
Let’s try the copy module with the following directory located in our local home folder:
|– nested1
| `– test1.txt
|– nested2
| `– test2.txt
`– test0.txt
If we use the following code:
– hosts: webservers
– name: Copy directory to remote server
src: ~/testdir
dest: /tmp
Then we get the following on the remote server:
`– testdir
|– nested1
| `– test1.txt
|– nested2
| `– test2.txt
`– test0.txt
Copying Files between Directories on Remote Machines
Ansible copy allows you to copy files from one directory to another on the same remote machine. But you can perform this only for files, you can’t copy directories. You have to use the remote_src parameter to let Ansible know your intentions.
– hosts: webservers
– name: Copy file between directories on a remote server
src: /tmp/test.txt
dest: ~/test.txt
remote_src: yes
The above code will copy /tmp/test.txt to the home directory of the user (/home/[username]/).
Copying Files with Multiple Parameters
You can pass individual parameters for files.
– hosts: webservers
– name: Copy files with multiple changes
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
mode: "{{item.mode}}"
– { src: ‘~/testdir2/test1.txt’, dest: ‘/tmp/a.txt’, mode: ‘0644’}
– { src: ‘~/testdir2/test2.txt’, dest: ‘/tmp/b.txt’, mode: ‘0755’}
– { src: ‘~/testdir2/test3.txt’, dest: ‘/tmp/c.txt’, mode: ‘0644’}
In the above example, we are renaming and setting individual permissions for the files. The Ansible output looks like this:
PLAY [webservers]
TASK [Gathering Facts]
ok: []
TASK [Copy files with multiple changes]
changed: [] => (item={u‘dest’: u‘/tmp/a.txt’, u‘src’: u‘~/testdir2/test1.txt’,
u‘mode’: u‘0644’})
changed: [] => (item={u‘dest’: u‘/tmp/b.txt’, u‘src’: u‘~/testdir2/test2.txt’,
u‘mode’: u‘0755’})
changed: [] => (item={u‘dest’: u‘/tmp/c.txt’, u‘src’: u‘~/testdir2/test3.txt’,
u‘mode’: u‘0644’})
************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
Creating Content on Remote Servers
You can use copy module to create content on remote servers directly from the playbook file. Here is an example:
– hosts: webservers
– name: Use ansible copy to create content in a remote server
content: "Hello Server!n"
dest: /tmp/hello.txt
This will create the hello.txt file on the remote server that will contain “Hello Server!” text.
Hello Server
Ansible copy is a useful module that helps you copy files across servers. It should make your configuration tasks easier.
Further Study: